Now that your Masters paper has been approved, it is time to publish it.
Professors' Approval
Now that we are submitting your papers digitally, the rules have changed. Your professors don't need to sign your papers anymore. Their approval will be indicated by the approval forms that are submitted in the office (you never see them.) The digital copies won't include their signatures because your papers will be available online to the world and we don't want to make their signatures available to all. Instead, you must include the names of your 1st reader, 2nd reader and Curriculum and Instruction Department Head on Page 2 of the Masters Paper template. This will be enough. (If you want to have a printed copy of your paper with your professors' signatures, just follow the Want a Printed Copy? instructions below.)
Instructions for Posting Your Paper to ScholarWorks.
- Complete the Student Permission Form
- It will ask if you want an "embargo period". Answer "none".
- Convert your paper to a .pdf format.
- Email your the final version (pdf) to
If you have questions, don't hesitate to contact Ellen Neuhaus
You may want a printed and certified copy that you can hold in your hand and place on your bookshelf. This is not required but follow these steps if you want to follow UNI specifications.
Format for Printing Your Paper
- Paper: 25% cotton thesis bond (Ask your printer about this.)
- Cover: Maroon or Dark Blue vinyl cover (Front and Back)
- Binding: Spiral Plastic Binding
Printing Your Paper and Getting it Signed.
- Call CopyWorks at 319-266-2306 in Cedar Falls. You will discuss the financial arrangements and the process you will use to submit your paper to CopyWorks for printing.
- It is suggested that before sending your paper to be printed, you should convert it to.pdf format so that it can’t be accidentally modified.
- Arrange with CopyWorks (or where ever you print your paper) to deliver the printed copies to Schindler Education Center 613.
- Your readers and the Department Head will sign your printed copies and they will be returned to you